Willows is a "special district" authorized under Colorado law to provide utility service to a specific geographical area and receive income and property tax revenues from that service.
Willows Water District receives its operating funds from several sources: water use fees, tap fees, interest income, ad valorem property taxes and specific ownership taxes. Water is supplied to the District's consumers at rates determined by the Board. The rate system is designed to ensure reasonable use of this precious resource, water. Revenues from water fees fund the District's basic operating expense.
Ad valorem property taxes, levied against properties in the District, are used for general operating expense. The District is in sound financial condition as a result of prudent management and investment practices.
Willows has established a strong reputation because of the active involvement of its founders, and more recently of its resident customers.

Willows' board members are elected to their positions from among residents and property owners in the District. The directors serve staggered four year terms and meet at least once a month. Board meetings are open to the public and a citizen comment period is allowed during each board session.
Water meters are read on a bi-monthly basis and bills are due by the end of each even-numbered month. Water meters are customarily located in the basement of a dwelling and are read remotely by radio frequency. Customers should compare the reading on the meter to the reading on the water statement to verify usage.
Willows communicates with its customers through its web site, post cards, bill inserts and e-mail. Citizen agreement with Willows' goals has been demonstrated by cooperation with watering guidelines and reduced consumption over the past few years. Willows prides itself in dependable quality service, a sound financial posture and professional management and operations. The Board of Directors of Willows Water District invites your interest and participation.